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Back to the style è una jam old school, uno spazio dove incontrare i migliori artisti del panorama internazionale, writer, breaker, mc e dj. Guardare, sentire, vivere la cultura Hip Hop.

Back to the style nasce nel 2012 a Napoli.

E' un evento promosso dall'Associazione Bereshit.


Back to the Style is conceived as an old school Graffiti Jam, a place where you can meet some of the best international Writers, Breakers, Mcs and Djs. Watch, listen, dance. Dive into the Hip Hop culture.

It's based in Naples, South Italy, since 2012.

Powered by @bereshit_na


Girone di ritorno

Serigrafia 4 colori\ 4 colours silkscreen print

Carta\ paper Magnani Pescia 220gr
Misure\ size 70x100 cm
Tiratura limitata\ limited edition (1\50)

Firmata a mano\ hand signed


Serigrafia\ silkscreen print

Carta\ paper Canson Raisin 200 gr
Misure\ size 30 x 50 cm
Tiratura limitata\ limited edition (1\8)

Firmata a mano\ hand signed



Stampa\ print
Carta naturale\ natural paper 320 gr
Misure\ size 33 x 48
Edizione limitata\ limited edition


No Color Sketch è un progetto autoprodotto e indipendente.

Nasce dalla passione per il writing e per la sua essenza:

lo sketch e lo studio del lettering.


No Color Sketch is a self-produced and independent project.

Born from the passion for writing and for its essence:

the sketch and the study of lettering.


Stampa\ print
Carta opaca\ matte paper 350gr
Misure\ size 32 x 32 cm
Tiratura limitata\ limited edition (1\30)

Firmata a mano\ hand signed


Stampa\ print
Carta ruvida\ matte paper 200 gr
Misure\ size 33 x 48
Firmata a mano\ hand signed


Stampa\ print
Carta patinata\ matte paper 250 gr.
Misure\ size 31,5x45 
Firmata a mano\ hand signed


Stampa\ print
Carta\ paper tintoretto 300 gr
Misure\ size 30 x 42 cm
Tiratura limitata\ limited edition (1\5)

Firmata a mano\  hand signed


Disegno originale\ original drawing
Carta\ paper 250 gr
Misure\ size 35 x 50
Tiratura limitata\ limited edition (1\1)

Firmata a mano\ hand signed


Stampa\ print
Carta\ paper tintoretto 300 gr
Misure\ size 30 x 42 cm
Tiratura limitata\ limited edition (1\5)

Firmata a mano\  hand signed


Stampa\ print

Carta\ paper 300 gr
Misure\ size 33x48 cm
Firmata a mano\ hand signed


Serigrafia\ silkscreen print

Carta\ paper Fedrigoni neve 300 gr
Misure\ size 33x48 cm
Tiratura limitata\ limited Edition (1/50)
Firmata a mano\ hand signed

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